Radici Compounds AH50F20
Radici Plastics USA, Inc.
Technical Data
AH50F20 is an acetal homopolymer composition containing 20% of a specially selected fluoropolymer, finely dispersed throughout the base resin. It is suitable for processing by injection molding.
Although acetal homopolymer exhibits exceptional bearing characteristics, including a very low coefficient of friction, the incorporation of this fluoropolymer minimizes "stick/slip" behavior and substantially enhances PV capabilities throughout a wide range of pressure/velocity combinations, but in particular for higher load/lower speed applications.
AH50F20 processes easily and offers opportunities to attain fast cycle time. This composition should be considered for applications where the outstanding dimensional stability, and chemical, oil and solvent resistance, that are typical of acetal homopolymer are required, in combination with excellent low friction and wear characteristics, particularly where the use of externally applied lubricants is not acceptable.
材料状态 • 已商用:当前有效
资料 1 • Technical Datasheet (English)
Search for UL Yellow Card • Radici Plastics USA, Inc.
供货地区 • 北美洲
添加剂 • 润滑剂 (20%)
• 尺寸稳定性良好 • 均聚物 • 耐磨损性良好
性能特点 • 低摩擦系数 • 抗溶解性 • 耐油性能
• 经润滑 • 耐化学性良好 • 生产阶段,快
形式 • 颗粒料
加工方法 • 注射成型
物理性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
比重 1.53g/cm³ ASTM D792
收缩率 - 流动 (3.18 mm) 1.5 到 1.8% ASTM D955
机械性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
抗张强度 (断裂, 23°C) 53.1MPa ASTM D638
伸长率 (断裂, 23°C) 15 到 20% ASTM D638
弯曲模量 (23°C) 2620MPa ASTM D790
弯曲强度 (23°C) 83.4MPa ASTM D790
冲击性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
悬壁梁缺口冲击强度 (23°C, 3.18 mm) 37 到 48J/m ASTM D256
热性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
热变形温度 (1.8 MPa, 未退火) 116°C ASTM D648
熔融温度 170 到 175°C ASTM D789
注射 额定值单位制
干燥温度 76.7 到 87.8°C
干燥时间 1.0 到 2.0hr
建议注入量 40 到 70%
螺筒后部温度 199°C
螺筒中部温度 204°C
螺筒前部温度 210°C
加工(熔体)温度 191 到 227°C
模具温度 82.2 到 116°C
背压 0.345MPa
螺杆转速 40 到 80rpm
垫层 3.18 到 6.35mm